KLF funds bursaries at The Royal Marsden School to train NHS practitioners in the management and treatment of lymphoedema, thus increasing the availability of therapists which is still limited.

How our funding helps

Prior to her death in 2001, when Katie was suffering with lymphoedema, she researched treatment for the condition.  She found there was limited availability and a general lack of knowledge about it. We hope to make this treatment more widely available on the NHS and we also think it is imperative to inform the public and make the country aware of the advantages of treatment.   They can then make informed choices if they are suffering from Lymphoedema.  The Fund provides sponsored places on training programmes run at The Royal Marsden School in London, Lymphscanners and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Pumps (IPCPs)

So, specifically, how have we spent the money we have raised to date -

Each academic year starting in September, The Royal Marsden School run:

  • Two Lymphoedema: Principles and Practice Modules
  • Fluoroscopy Guided Manual Lymphatic Draining course
  • Fluoroscopy Guided Manual Lymphatic Drainage: 2 day update course


Cheque Presentation

In August 2019 we made a cheque presentation of £12,000 at The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

After the presentation a video 'starring Jenny Tripp Black MBE (Chairman)  and Mary Woods (Consultant Nurse Lymphoedema, Royal Marsden Hospital) produced by the school was to advertise the KLF bursaries available to potential students.  It's very short and worth a look!



Latest Fund Update

Summer 2022 Update

July 2021 Fund Report

August 2020 Fund Report

July 2019 Fund Report

Student Feedback

Students have sent in their reports which highlight the benefits to patients, the service and to their own development from the learning they received.  Below are some comments from course participants highlighting the benefit to patients, and to their own development, from the learning they received through teaching at the Royal Marsden School.

“I gained great support, learning and exchanged of practice from the other members of the course cohort.  This has been invaluable in gaining insight into the realm of my own Nurse led clinic” 

(Student from the Lymphoedema: Principles and Practice module Nov/Dec 2016)

“The blended learning module was an excellent introduction, into caring for patients with the condition, taught in a relaxed, supportive environment, which ultimately facilitated my learning.   I found the course gave me a better understanding and provided a sound foundation of knowledge regarding the condition” 

(Student from the Lymphoedema: Principles and Practice module April 2017).

  • Almost 300 practitioners trained since 2004 with numbers slow until 2009 and then ramping up to between 40 and 50 a year now
  • Of the 250, 55% come from NHS/hospital background; 40% from hospices and the rest charity/other.  We only fund NHS practitioners and no private practice.
  • 62% are nurses, 20% physiotherapists, 3% occupational therapists, 3% lymphoedema therapists and the other 13% from a range of backgrounds including healthcare assistants.
  • Geographically, the South East of England is by far the highest proportion of participants but there are representatives from pretty much every corner of the UK and we do try to advertise as well as we can AND fund reasonable travel and accommodation expenses too.

KLFfunds places on Royal Marsden School run/managed courses.  Our funded courses include:

Lymphoedema: Principles & Practice (blended learning—online and classroom)

The module is an introduction to the management of lymphoedema, aimed at professionals who are primarily treating cancer-related lymphoedema. It will give the student the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the causes and management of this chronic condition. In addition to exploring the evidence base for the care of lymphoedema, the module provides an opportunity to learn and practice the practical skills of compression therapy in a safe, supervised environment.


Katie’s Lymphoedema Fund provides a number of bursaries to cover the costs of attendance of health care professionals on three lymphoedema management related courses at The Royal Marsden School.

The aim of these bursaries is to support Katie’s Lymphoedema Fund in increasing the availability of therapists with specialist knowledge/skills to treat this condition. Applications are therefore welcomed from across the UK.

Bursaries will cover course fees only and to be eligible for sponsorship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Nurses and Allied Health Professionals only with current professional registration
  • Working in cancer care
  • No funding available from other sources
  • Use their skills to offer services that patients do not pay for (e.g. within the NHS or hospice)

Anyone who meets the criteria and wishes to apply for a bursary should follow the instructions detailed below.

Those who meet the criteria and would like to apply should complete a Royal Marsden School application form (which can be downloaded from the Royal Marsden website or requested from the School) and attach an additional personal statement.  The latter should outline, in approximately 200 words why they should receive sponsorship to undertake this course.

To give your application for sponsorship the best possible chance, your statement should address the following questions:

  • What benefits will this opportunity provide in terms of patient care?
  • How will the training support the development needs of the service?
  • How will the training support the development needs of the practitioner?

All statements should be headed ‘Application for – insert course name here.’

Please also highlight if you have applied as a result of finding the information on this website.

Sponsored students will also be required to provide a report to Katie’s Lymphoedema Fund on the impact that their studies have had on patient care.

The Royal Marsden School
Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JJ
Telephone: 020 7808 2900

Email: school@rmh.nhs.uk



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